This week’s “Photo Of The Week” features Chris Miller with a safety rail Fufanu at the Newtown Skatepark taken by Sean Rosner, you can check out an additional photo of Chris cranking a Turndown on Sean’s Flickr by clicking here.
Category: Photos
Chris Marshall East Coast Photo Gallery
“DIG contributing photographer, Chris Marshall made up these rad photo composites from the last 6 months of shooting on the east coast of the US, and here they are in all their glory. Enjoy!”
Mike Swift In Dig #89
Mike Swift has a photo in the latest issue of Dig (#89) doing a huge hop over grind to drop in West Chester shot by Chris Marshall, you can see the issues full content here.
Matt Loughead Sub-Box Double
“Matt Loughead sent over this pic of a huge double peg in Thorndale. Holy shit!”
The Mind Of McLovin’
Cody Neiswender aka McLovin’ posted up a ton of recent photos on his blog “The Mind Of McLovin” including the above shot of a straight Toothpick grind.
Photo Of The Week: Wendell Murray
This week’s “Photo Of The Week” features Wendell Murray with a big Tailwhip in Delco. and was shot by Shane Ashworth, you can check out a second shot of the same Tailwhip from a different angle after the jump.
Mike Devlin Rail To Gap
Posted is another new one from Mike Devlin with a handrail to gap into the street taken by Nick Jones.
Dante Sadler & John Dominick
Posted are two new photos taken by Nick Jones over this passed weekend, the first features Dante Sadler rail bombing and representing the green and white, and the second is a sequence of John Dominick with a big Feeble to 360 which you can check out after the jump.
The Yea, Weekend Warriors

“This past weekend Josh and I got to ride, it’s not often we get to ride Saturday and Sunday being he works a different schedule than I do. For some reason the stars aligned and we got our shred on both days. Saturday we filmed a couple clips we have been itching to get filmed. Sunday was more of a chill day. We stocked up on some tubes then hit up some low key spots.”