Hunter Shughart sent through this self filmed edit of himself riding his driveway quarter pipe, despite there only being one ramp Hunter throws down a lot of tech moves.
Category: Videos
40z Mixtape #8
“New hotness from Bobert’s cam. I gotta say I’m really stoked on that bar on the storm door, yew! Everyone kills it in this and the last clip of Kyle getting the extra boost came out sick.”
The Slab Edit
“I’ve been wanting to ride this place for a while now, looks so sick.”
RJ Orr Edit
“This guy is the man!”
One Day iPhone Edit
Posted is an iPhone edit featuring a day of riding with Mike Swift, Brendon Reith, and Anthony Yock.
Mistaken Identity Anchor Tanks Promo
Here is the promo for the new Mistaken Identity “Anchor” tanks featuring Sean Rosner, Jim Borio, John Shalley, and Pat Maloney.
Filmed and Edited by Brad Abrams.
Jorge Herrera Adjective Clothing Edit
“Herby always on his game some good joints in here. Sorry for lack of posts the spring has begun stay posted.”
Schnell Writing For The Albion
Edison Skatepark New Rail Session
Here is another edit from a session on the new rail Dominic Biro built at the Edison Skatepark in Jersey, featuring Steve Kool, Mike Kleisser, Mikey Almodovar, and Dominic Biro.
John Dominick “Nobody Special” Edit
John Dominick sent through this edit composed of some footage from trips he took over the last two months.
Stink Pit DVD Now Online
The first Stink Pit DVD has finally made it’s way online, also make sure you check out the new Stink Pit Tumblr to keep up to date with the crew.
Eastern Brian Wizmerski Farewell Edit
Brian Wizmerski has stepped down from the Eastern Bikes team, in honor of Wiz’s time on the Eastern team they put together this farewell edit.