A few months ago we asked McLovin’ if he would be interested in doing an interview for the site, not only did he take the time to answer over a dozen questions but he also put together an exclusive edit to go along with the interview which turned out really well. Make sure you check out the interview after the jump.
Tag: Cody Neiswender
Sandy Session
“Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast Monday and Tuesday so Sage and I decided to hit the Grindlab for a session. We made this edit in about an hour with our homies Josh and Jesse. Everyone learned something new and I got to put in work on a borrowed frame. Hope you enjoy.”
Weekend Warrior
“Mclovin sent over some photos from the weekend. He went up to ride with Josh & Randy in Harrisburg. I used to live in Harrisburg. And I would go to this one grocery store just about every week since it was close. I showed a few people this rail in the back and we would all talk about it like how cool would that be.Then Mclovin texts me and lets me know that Josh did it! fuck yea. so stoked for him. and they managed to get it on film! wish I was there for it!”
The Yea – Swangin’ & Bangin’
“Here’s our newest edit, super stoked to finally have it up. I have it uploaded to youtube & vimeo so if you’re on a phone you can still watch it.”
Josh Stair And McLovin York Park Edit
“Clips Josh had of Mclovin and himself on his Mac from a mid summer morning sesh filmed by Mclovin and Josh Stair, edited by Josh Stair.”
Panual Mad Edit
“A day on the block, McLovin’ & Sage nibs.”
The Yea Skatepark Saturday
The Yea’s Matt Smith and Cody Neiswender aka McLovin’ regulate a pair of Skateparks on a Saturday.
McLovin Spring 2012 Throwaways
“Mclovin had a bunch of clips he wasn’t gonna use for his section. Edited by Matt Smith. Filmed between Harrisburg and Lebanon PA.”
The Mind Of McLovin’
Cody Neiswender aka McLovin’ posted up a ton of recent photos on his blog “The Mind Of McLovin” including the above shot of a straight Toothpick grind.
Photo Of The Week: Cody Neiswender

This weeks “Photo Of The Week” features Cody Neiswender aka McLovin’ with a Hangover Toothpick on a cement bench, McLovin’ just got a new camera so make sure you check out his blog “The Mind Of McLovin” on the regular.