“New hotness from Bobert’s cam. I gotta say I’m really stoked on that bar on the storm door, yew! Everyone kills it in this and the last clip of Kyle getting the extra boost came out sick.”
Tag: The Yea
The Yea, Weekend Warriors

“This past weekend Josh and I got to ride, it’s not often we get to ride Saturday and Sunday being he works a different schedule than I do. For some reason the stars aligned and we got our shred on both days. Saturday we filmed a couple clips we have been itching to get filmed. Sunday was more of a chill day. We stocked up on some tubes then hit up some low key spots.”
Photo Of The Week: Shilo

This week’s “Photo Of The Week” features Shilo’s first handrail since having surgery on his ankle, you can also read a little interview with Shilo here. Photo by Matt Loughead.