Our BMX dropped a new video bike check with Dan Conway on their website yesterday. Dan runs through his latest GT / Profile build that’s mid-school influenced and intended to handle anything Dan can get his tires on. You can check out the full list of parts Dan’s running after the jump.
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Justin Care On We The People

Justin Care has been picked up by We The People for their USA squad. Justin and the WTP crew recently hooked up during the #GETINTHEVANTOUR as seen in the final video on the East Coast. Along with the news of Justin’s new sponsorship, WTP released a bike check complete with a part by part run down of Justin’s new setup along with some photos shot by Dennis Bunn.
DIG BMX | Dan Conway’s Fit Savage
DIG BMX have an exclusive look at Dan Conway’s Fit Savage posted on their website. The article includes a part by part breakdown of Dan’s Savage build as well as some words about Dan’s signature frame and line of parts with photography by Chris Marshall.
Bike Check: Cam Rusnak
Matt Smith from The Yea sent through a bike check featuring Cam Rusnak with words and photography by Matt Loughead. You can read the full bike check including some Q&A, photos and a part by part run down of Cam’s Fit Benny L after the jump.
Bike Check: Dan Conway
The Fit Bike Co. website has a bike check posted with Dan Conway. The bike check provides a part by part breakdown of Dan’s latest “Savage” build with photography by Dennis Bunn.
Bike Check: Sean Brian Rosner
After spending a year and a half off his bike, Sean Rosner finally got the green light to start riding again from his doctor. Sean recently built up a fresh S&M Credence CCR. You can check out some photos of Sean’s new ride along with a part by part rundown after the jump.
Bike Check: Okie Doke
Atown Trash / ECD affiliate Okie Doke (Jon Leffler) sent through some photos of his bike as well as a part by part breakdown of his T1 “Ruben” build. You can check out the complete bike check after the jump.
Bike Check: Josh Stair
The Yea have posted a bike check with Josh Stair on their website. The bike check includes some insight from Josh, as well as photos and a part by part run down of Josh’s S&M LAF.
Bike Check: Justin Care
Colony BMX has a bike check with Justin Care posted on the site. The bike check provides photos and a brief rundown of some of the Colony specific parts. There is also some mention of Justin’s new edit which should be dropping in about a month or so.
Bike Check: McLovin’
The Yea has posted a bike check with Cody Neiswender (McLovin’), complete with photos and a part by part rundown of his setup. For those who haven’t seen it yet, make sure you watch McLovin’s “Fucks Wit It” part after you check out the bike check.