On Friday, October 13th, the legendary O’Hara Trails held a low-key jam that was sparsely promoted online as “Steve and Derek’s Excellent Friday The 13th Party” and featured special guest @fiftyfoe54. Our friend Kyle Dipilla was on hand for the event and shot a gallery of photos for us along with a few choice shots for the second issue of the zine. The gallery contains photos of Derek Adams, Ryan Serrano, Ed Huett, Otto Ayala and more. You can check out the gallery after the jump, and don’t forget to check out Kyle’s website for more photography.
Mason Ritter gets dialed during the FBM “Ghetto King Of Bert” contest this past weekend.
Our ‘Featured Photo’ this week comes to us from the FBM “Ghetto King Of Bert” contest held this past weekend in Richmond, VA at the Powers Bike Shop and features Mason Ritter mid-Flair Tailwhip. The photo was shot by Matt Hovermale and was included in a gallery of photos on the Least Most website which you can view in it’s entirety by clicking here. If you look carefully you might even see a Halahan or two.
Our ‘Featured Photo’ this week is a double dose of Jeff Purdy getting rad at the O’Hara Trails in Delaware County, PA. The first photo showcases Jeff properly dipping a Toboggan over a set and the second is a classic (and personal favorite) One Handed Tabletop. Both photos were shot by Brendan Mulrooney during a session at the trails last week.
If you haven’t been paying attention, Jeff was recently picked up by both GT Bikes and The Daily Grind and is currently heavily involved in filming for Stink Pit 5 and the L.O.W. BMX video. Brendan Mulrooney has also just started up an Instagram account for his photography which you can follow by clicking here.
Merritt has just released a new edit featuring Justin Care on their website. The video was filmed and edited by Dan Conway over the last year and is full of heavy street riding moves, smooth tech. lines, and a bunch of progressive up rail combos. These guys did a great job keeping this one under wraps and Justin delivers another in a series of solid edits on behalf of Merritt. Unfortunately, Justin broke his wrist on a rail hop last night and will be sitting out for the next few weeks. Click play and enjoy.
Our ‘Featured Photo’ this week comes to us from the legendary O’Hara trails in Springfield, PA. The photo was shot by Dennis Bunn and features Ryan Serrano, better known as E.T. spinning a 270 over the hip en route to the spine. Make sure you follow @nobikesinthelivingroom for more from the O’Hara trails including photos, videos and updates on the battle over the land the trails sit on.
On Saturday, July 22nd, The Street Series presented by Monster Energy took over the streets of North Philadelphia in support of National BMX Day. The event brought riders from around the world to the city of Philadelphia for the final Street Series. Kyle Dipilla was on hand during the event on our behalf and shot a substantial amount of photos for inclusion in this gallery. You can view the gallery after the jump which includes choice shots of Mike Guth, Dan Conway, Casey Starling, Matt Blew, Tom Dugan, Jeff Purdy, Justin Spriet and many more. Don’t forget to check out Kyle’s photography website to view more of his work by clicking here.
Eric Capone cooling off during the Berks X Alive Industries jam. Photo: Brendan Mulrooney
Our ‘Featured Photo’ updates have been few and far between lately but we couldn’t pass up on this one. Brendan Mulrooney shot the above photo of Eric Capone taking a moment to cool off from the summertime heat in true Philadelphia fashion, by hopping through an illegally opened fire hydrant during the Berks X Alive Industries jam last month. The spurting water in for foreground as well as the rainbow colored curbs, poles, flags and brightly colored houses in the background provided by the ‘Gayborhood’ section of Philadelphia really make the photo come alive.
Tom Nguyen’s new video “Sorry For Partying!” premiered in Philadelphia on Friday, June 23rd. After the release of the videos trailer online we expressed our interest in the video and a private link of the final cut was made available to us for review twenty four hours prior to the videos premiere.
“Sorry For Partying!” was filmed by Tom Nguyen using a VX2000 / VX2100 over the past two years and features a cast of fifty five BMX riders from all over the East Coast and beyond. The run time is on par with most full length BMX videos with a duration of just under twenty two minutes.
The videos party theme provides a great vibe and the intro sets the pace for the following sections. “SFP” does a great job in wasting no time building it’s momentum. The intro is a blend of random party footage, slams and teases of some of what is in store throughout the video. From start to finish the video is consistent in the level of riding being presented and the flow of each of it’s sections. The video is composed of four well structured mix sections, and a full length closing section from Andrew White.
Adem Gunaydin – 60/40 Grind Photo: Chris Girouard
“Sorry For Partying!” is packed with diverse street riding and a wide array of styles due to the large cache of riders it showcases throughout each of the videos four mix sections. It would be impossible to talk about this video and not acknowledge the work that Adem Gunaydin put in for his footage. I went in watching this video anxious to see Adem’s footage and he really delivered. Adem closes out the second section of the video with one of the most creative and impressive rooftop moves I have seen.
The fourth mix section of the video is a Philly mix which features riding from the Chocolate Truck crew and friends. Although a lot of the Chocolate Truck crews footage has been seen through Instagram clips filmed on cell phones, it was refreshing to see those clips in DV format and edited together.
Some other highlights throughout the video include Fateem Williams who shuts down the third mix section, the LFS guys, Brett Tocco who provides some of the videos most creative riding, Brandon Bunting who drops a big three down a stair set in the first mix section, Breyon Woods for closing out the fourth mix along with the Chocolate Truck crew, Dave Raffa, Pat Schlitzer, Baboon, Court Freeman, Colin Varanyak, Chase Dehart, Jersey Joe, and too many others.
The final section of the video belongs to Andrew White who closes out “SFP” with it’s only non mix section. Andrews section is made up of a lot of technical street moves, bangers and his own unique style of riding. Having the closing and only non mix section is pretty heavy but Andrew manages to come through with some of the videos best riding. The final trick of the video is on a setup that literally has everything wrong with it and watching Andrew roll away is near perfect. Cue the credits.
Tom Nguyen did a great job all around with this project between the filming, editing, promotion, Everything was on point. I’ll be very interested to see more works from Tom in the future. Easily one of my favorite aspects of this video is how many riders it’s drawn my attention to that I was previously unaware of. “Sorry For Partying!” is a must see / own video for any East Coast BMX enthusiast. Copies of the DVDs will be available for purchase in the coming weeks. Special thanks to Tom for setting up a private viewing of the video.
In order of appearance:
Mix Section One: Mike Ware • Sean Guest • Brandon Bunting • Matt Mazzone • Josh Vodopija • Jared Manganelli • Luke Gajtkowski
Mix Section Two: Chris Girouard • Adem Gunaydin • Pat Cregan • Chris Schaeffer • Jake Grelli • Drew Quinlan • Chase Dehart • JD Whitehead • Matt Krumins • Court Freeman
Mix Section Three: Old Man Dirt • Victor Behm • Menardo Simon • Eric Tkacz • Jersey Joe • Nick Maltese • Pat Schlitzer • Mike Verdecchio • Kenny Shoulders • Andrew Lettieri • Eeshond Kirk • Tenzin • Baboon • Chris Aceto • Arty Barrera • Steve Jones • Mikey Almodovar • Dave Raffa • Brett Tocco • Tenna • Colin Varanyak • Marnold • Eddie Muscle • Fateem Williams
Mix Section Four (Philly): Joe Niranonta • John Yoh • Steve Tassone • Joby Suender • Mike Swift • Kevin Vannauker • Breyon Woods • Nick Barrett • Cody Neiswender • Chris Carter • Ryan Niranonta • Herman McCracken • Twinn
OTP (Outside The Philth) released their latest video online earlier today featuring Eeshond Kirk. The video has been in the works for quite some time now with some of the footage spanning years of riding. Despite all that wait, the video doesn’t fail to deliver by any means. Eeshond comes through with a barrage of big handrail moves on some really wild setups that are sure to get you pumped to get out and pedal. Make sure you hit play and check this one out.
Every year, Pennsylvania is home to a number of jams, video premieres and other events. Closing out our series of year end features is our 2016 Calendar Review. The third and final installment in the series highlights some of the more notable events that took place over the last year. This years list is composed of a dozen events that helped shape 2016 and made the year one to remember. We hope you’ve enjoyed our trip down memory lane and don’t forget to stay tuned, we’ve got plenty in store for 2017.
On Friday, January 20th, 2017 the fourth installment in the JIB mixtape series, ‘JIB: Tape Four’ premiered in a warehouse in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Jib is in their own words, a project that focuses on creating footage of riders that are living & riding in the Philadelphia area.
We expressed interest in reviewing the video for the website and purchased a copy through the Berks St. website. Jonathan Schimpf was kind enough to provide us with an early online viewing of the video to help expedite the review process. You can read the entire review, after the jump.
“I can be bit of a show off but every time I see a baddie I gotta pop sum nice.”
1. He attempted to crank arm a rail with no chain.
Seen at 1:22 in the extras.
2. The song was changed a week before upload.
We originally were going to use No Heart by 21 Savage but a week before the video was ready the track got used.
3. He broke his stem mid sesh & swapped it and kept riding unaffected.
He snapped his stem and went to a totally different top load stem and kept riding no problem.
4. He sang R Kelly through the handi rail hop.
Seen at :48 in the extras.
5. He filmed his banger with my phone in his pocket blaring music.
Feeling anxious he asked me for my phone so he could get hype to try the 3. For some reason I gave him my phone without thinking twice. You can hear the music playing from it at 2:00 in the extras.
First the obvious, Name, age, and where are you from / now living?
Joshua Hymans, 21, born and raised in Allentown, PA now living in Lebanon, PA.
Earliest BMX memory?
Earliest BMX memory was when I was with two childhood friends, my brother and a old head named Mark lol shout out Mark but he took us on a ride from Southside of Allentown up into Bethlehem to hit some trails (we all ate shit that day) and we saw some dudes shredding under a bridge. I remember this one dude had wild foot plants, so that was pretty much my first time seeing real tricks done on a bike.
Where does your drive to progress come from?
My drive to progress is just to hang wit the big boys nothing more nothing less.
How long have you been riding bikes?
Been riding BMX since August of 2012 so about 4 years.
Ever impress a girl with a trick?
Do I impress females with tricks? Hell yeah! I can be bit of a show off but every time I see a baddie I gotta pop sum nice.
What are some of your influences?
Some influences definitely my brother. He’s my biggest fan and he keeps it real with what I love and what I do so shout out BIGBRO!!! Influenced by other riders? Ehh, not really, but if I see something I like I may try to add it to my bag of tricks with a touch of my “style”.
▼ watch trees full part below ▼
Josh ‘Trees’ Hymans @captintrees610
Filmed and edited by: Matt Smith @mattheyea
Additional angles by: Angel @slim_bmx
Music: 21 Savage – No Target (prod. by Brodinski)