The Yea, Weekend Warriors

“This past weekend Josh and I got to ride, it’s not often we get to ride Saturday and Sunday being he works a different schedule than I do. For some reason the stars aligned and we got our shred on both days. Saturday we filmed a couple clips we have been itching to get filmed. Sunday was more of a chill day. We stocked up on some tubes then hit up some low key spots.”

Stink Pit by Ryan Scott

Ryan Scott has been riding and shooting with our crew a lot lately and we couldn’t be more thankful. He cares a lot about his work and how he composes every aspect of the photo. Not only that, he really motivates us to get shit done! Ryan is a cool dude and I’m glad to have him on my side. Ryan loves BMX and his work shows that. I look forward to hanging with him more and hope more people show him some love! Thanks Ryan.”