Dennis Bunn has uploaded a few new photos to his Flickr page including the above shot of Brendon Reith boosting over Bunn’s car, you can check out two more shots of Andrew Caleix and Daryl Short by clicking here.
Jim Borio Summer V2
“Every summer we spend a lot of time filming for an edit and this is the finished product. Jim has recently been picked up by Fit Bikes so look forward to seeing some more footage soon!”
Filmed and edited by Brad Abrams.
Photo Of The Week: Josh Stair
This week’s “Photo Of The Week” features Josh Stair putting pegs on a blue handrail in Baltimore during a weekend road trip with The Yea.
Catty Woods Halloween Jam
Catty Woods will be holding their annual “Halloween Jam” once again this year on October 20th, check the flyer and the PA Woods website for more information.
Mistaken Identity Full-Length Video
Mistaken Identity have begun filming for their first full-length video which should be dropping in a few months, above Jim Borio goes in on a handrail with a lengthy Hangover Toothpick while Sean Rosner clocks the footage.
Josh Stair And McLovin York Park Edit
“Clips Josh had of Mclovin and himself on his Mac from a mid summer morning sesh filmed by Mclovin and Josh Stair, edited by Josh Stair.”
Angel Rios In “Still Folded”
Angel Rios section from the Atown Trash video “Still Folded” is now online.
Dave Krone Middletown Line
“Come back tomorrow for “The UnVEILing” but for now watch this clip of Dave that I forgot to put in his part.”
Chris Miller & Sean Rosner
Sean Rosner has added a few new photos to his Tumblr featuring himself and Chris Miller riding Pops Skatepark and some street spots.
Chopper 2012 Edit
Dustin Clewell uploaded this new edit of Richard Viands, aka “Chopper” last night which is well worth the watch… coincidentally today is also Chopper’s birthday so we want to wish him a happy birthday.
City Hall Double Set Contest Edit
Posted is another edit from the City Hall Double Set Contest presented by Homebase Skateshop and Kurent Bike Shop filmed and edited by Penna Productions Jonathan Au.
As a bonus you can check out some photos from the jam via Kurent Bike Shop’s Facebook page by clicking here.