James Hess – A-town got the spots and James knows every cut. Topside Ice grind.
Chris Marshall has been one of the premier BMX photographers on the East Coast for a number of years now. His work has been featured in both print and digital formats through some of the most respected names in the BMX industry. As of late, Marshall has been working closely with Animal Bikes, but was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule to handpick and caption some photos shot in Pennsylvania over the years for this throwback gallery. You can check out the entire gallery after the jump.
Photos and captions by Chris Marshall.

Knick Smith – Knick got this a couple years ago when The A-town dudes took a trip up to Connecticut for a ESPN.com web feature. We were staying with Matt Barchus and before he could even get on his bike the crew was out the door and into the cut. This was one of the first spots we found that day, and shortly after Nick busted out this wild pocket wall ride.

Fateem Williams – “Let’s rock, paper, scissors to see who’s gonna try it”- Devon Albino
2nd story Rail hop from the A-town Trash Albion Article.

JJ Palmere – After Moving out to Cali, JJ came back to mother East to handle some cutty handrails.

Chief – Also taken while on that trip up to CT, Chief found this perfect tire ride. Everything didn’t go smoothly first try though, on a previous attempt Chief was nearly impaled by a hidden metal rod in the grass after tagging a peg at the end of the rail. After getting his breathe back Chief rode away no problemo.

Mike Swift – Swift always pulling out the wild man moves. Rail hop gap to edger in the Philly sprawl.

Joby Suender – When Joby’s not doing unprecedented work with his chairty, he likes to get out, blast some tables and 180 some tall fences. If you’d like to see what else Joby is doing in the streets of Philly check out bmxlife.org

Paul Horan – Every day for a couple years Paul stared at this pool from his bedroom window, until one day he got the courage to ask his neighbors if he could drain their pool and ride it. Somehow the Neighbors were all about it, some rules were set in place and the pool was good to sesh.

Kevin Vannauker – A busy philly intersection isn’t a problem when the chocolate truck is around. Kevin got a free run at this insane gap from the curb cut to wallride trouble free with a couple friends acting as road blocks. As seen in the First Chocolate truck video. When is CT2 dropping?!

Dan Bob – Leave it up to Boba to shut down the session. He was one of the last people to throw down on this set up before deconstruction of the building took place. Published in DIG a couple years back.

Zack Gerber – Smith to railhop.
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