Ever Peacock – 2018 High Air Champion
Words by Brian Coleman | Photography by Kyle Dipilla
2018 was a wet one. Record-setting rainfall levels for almost the entire trail season had left trail locals all over the northeast feeling a bit bewildered, and frankly, pretty frustrated. Fortunately, the jams we host at Posh and Catty are a catalyst for great times no matter what the weather throws at us. When there is a small army of visiting trail shredders eager to get the trails running by any means necessary, the trails are likely going to run in any weather short of a Category 4 hurricane!
Case in point, the 3rd annual High Air comp at Posh was roasty as ever, despite plenty of rain not only the Friday before the initially scheduled Saturday date, but also a surprise morning rain for the rescheduled Sunday date! Visiting trail crews and Posh/Catty locals were determined as always to get the trails running, and did so in record time on both days with copious amounts of sawdust and dry dirt stockpiles that had been previously stashed away for just an occasion. All the hard work made for a great chill session on Saturday and a super successful jam/comp day on Sunday.
Notable standouts in both the High Air comp on the Butcher jump and Best Whip comp on Fort Wayne just so happened to be some of the youngest people in attendance. Between Ever Peacock taking 1st and Lukas Halahan in 3rd, there was a display of unbelievable talent and boundless potential, all coming in at a combined age less than one Jbone Lonergan! Eric Jensen, Tom Arkus, and Garrett Byrnes also maxed out the altimeter during the High Air comp to earn some trophies. Once again, members of the Halahan clan came out strong in the whip-off, with Lukas and Nathan both taking trophies, and Ever P. throwing down for another 1st place finish. Chris Janis of Catty took a spot on the podium next to Tomas Kudrnac of the Czech Republic to round out the top 5.
Outside of all the special events, there were still plenty of great laps to be had and smiles all around. Never a bad day in the woods!
As always, we want to give a huge shout out to every single person that comes out to our events, has a good time, donates, throws some dirt, waters some jump, rakes some leaves, rides a bike, or not, whatever. Thanks for showing some love!
Huge thanks to all the companies that have been supporting the woods the last bunch of years, helping us pay our insurance and lease every year – S&M, FIT, Empire Bmx, S1 Helmets, Odyssey BMX, Mutiny Bikes, Deluxe, Terrible One, Action Wheels Bike Shop, Trail Riders of America (TRA) and Axelrad Screen Printing. We couldn’t do it without you!