Some of the Work Frames crew, including John Corts and Tom Beckman, took a trip out to State College to meet up with teammate Brad Gibbs and Andrew Vargason of Grindworks BMX to film a day edit. The video features solid riding throughout its three and a half minute duration. Make sure you head over to the Work Frames Instagram account and give them a follow.
Tag: Andrew Vargason
Brad Gibbs – 2019 Web Video
Over the last couple of years, Brad Gibbs has become one of the fresh faces emerging from the Pittsburgh riding scene that’s caught our attention. Today, we are proud to present this exclusive web video featuring some of Brad’s riding filmed over the last two years. You can read a little more about the video in Brad’s own words after the jump, and don’t forget to check out his Instagram for more.
Filming: Zach Bearley, Chase Bucci.
Additional Filming: Tyler Cramer, Josh Geyer, Andy Vargason, Max Myslewski, Cam Girvin.
Read More “Brad Gibbs – 2019 Web Video”Photo Gallery: 2018 GrindWorks BMX Jams

Words by Andrew Vargason
Photography by Matt Vargason, Tom Beckman, Abdel Carlo, and Bryan Reynolds.
The GrindWorks BMX Jams, both the Pittsburgh Street Jam and the Binghamton Jam, are in their third year running as sister-jams. Both take place at the same time of year, typically only weeks apart, and share organizers, sponsors, and prizes. Being 300 miles apart, it’s also interesting that they share a lot of the same riders.
Read More “Photo Gallery: 2018 GrindWorks BMX Jams”Grindworks BMX – Pittsburgh Street Jam
Grindworks BMX hosted their annual Pittsburgh Street Jam on Saturday, June 30th, and the video from the event is finally online. The jam was moved from the streets to the Sheraden Skatepark later in the day due to some police interaction, but not before the jam made its way through several of Pittsburgh’s many street spots. There’s a lot of great riding in here and we are proud to have been able to co-sponsor the event along with a long list of other companies. Shout-out to Grindworks for putting on these events and always supporting the Pennsylvania scene. You can read more about the jam after the jump.
Read More “Grindworks BMX – Pittsburgh Street Jam”GrindWorks Ice House Day Edit
GrindWorks BMX recently hosted a day session at their private DIY ramp setup “The Ice House”, located just outside of Pittsburgh. Andrew Vargason filmed and edited a video from the session which he just released online. The video includes riding from Tyler Cramer, Andrew Vargason, Chase Bucci, Jacob Horn, and Jash Geyer. Don’t forget to follow the GrindWorks crew on Instagram for more.
GrindWorks Pittsburgh Street Jam 2017
On Saturday, June 3rd, the GrindWorks BMX crew held their “2017 Pittsburgh Street Jam”. The event had a good sized turn out and Andrew Vargason put together an edit from the day’s ride. The event was documented by Tyler Cramer, Matt Perkins, and Andrew Vargason with some additional filming by some of the guys in attendance. The video is composed of over fourteen minutes of footage from the day and there’s some really heavy stuff in there. Despite a few injuries (that curved wall gone wrong looked nasty), the day seemed like a hell of a good time. Hit play and check it out!
You can also check out the GrindWorks Pittsburgh Street Jam video from 2016 after the jump.