Brant Moore has released two videos on his YouTube channel documenting the last Little Devil Bowl & Penn Skate session. Penn Skate held its final public session on New Years Eve of 2022 after 25 years in operation. The first video includes some LD Bowl history provided by Derek Adams, and the second video contains an interview with Penn Skate owner Chris Budinetz. You can check out the second video after the jump, and don’t forget to hit Brant Moore’s YouTube channel for more videos.
Read More “The Last Penn Skate / Little Devil Bowl Session”Tag: Derek Adams
Photo Gallery: O’Hara Trails – Friday The 13th Jam

On Friday, October 13th, 2017 the locals (@nobikesinthelivingroom) that maintain the O’Hara Trails in Springfield, Pennsylvania hosted a ‘Friday the 13th’ jam to celebrate the most unlucky day of the year with an open invitation to ride the legendary trails. For the locals, the majority of the trail riding season was spent combating weather damage from the winter, several harsh rainfalls including the fallout from Tropical Storm Cindy, and building new lines. After all that hard work, the jam was a perfect opportunity for the locals to enjoy the fruits of their labor with the trail riding community. The combination of the fall weather mixed with smooth running lines kept the jam and the good times going well into the night.
Ride PA BMX contributing photographer Kyle Dipilla was on hand during the event to shoot some photos on our behalf. You can check out the full gallery of photos in hi-res, after the jump. Don’t forget to follow @nobikesinthelivingroom for more from the O’Hara Trails and @dipillaphotography for more photography from Kyle.
*All photography and captions provided by Kyle Dipilla.
Read More “Photo Gallery: O’Hara Trails – Friday The 13th Jam”Photo Gallery: O’Hara Trails Friday The 13th Jam

On Friday, October 13th, the legendary O’Hara Trails held a low-key jam that was sparsely promoted online as “Steve and Derek’s Excellent Friday The 13th Party” and featured special guest @fiftyfoe54. Our friend Kyle Dipilla was on hand for the event and shot a gallery of photos for us along with a few choice shots for the second issue of the zine. The gallery contains photos of Derek Adams, Ryan Serrano, Ed Huett, Otto Ayala and more. You can check out the gallery after the jump, and don’t forget to check out Kyle’s website for more photography.
Read More “Photo Gallery: O’Hara Trails Friday The 13th Jam”Throwbacks: Orchid Footwear – “Footwork”
It’s hard to believe that six years have passed since the release of Orchid Footwear’s final full-length DVD, “Footwork”. The video was originally released and premiered on April 9th, 2011 and was later released online in it’s entirety in February of 2012. The DVD was filmed around Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey by Ryan Navazio with editing by Derek Adams and visual effects provided by Josh Clancy. The video features riding from Brian Hunt, Wiz, Brian Histand, Dave Krone, Micky Marshall, Dan Conway, Randy Brown, Van Homan, Niki Croft, and friends.
2014 Calendar Review
Every year, Pennsylvania is home to a number of video premieres, jams and other events that are hosted in the area. As part of our Year End web-series, we wanted to take a look back and highlight some of the more notable events that took place this past year. Before we throw away our 2014 calendar, we put together this list of ten events you should have had marked on your own calendars.
Little Devil French Fry Trip
Bonus section from Little Devil’s collectors edition DVD. Matt Beringer, Kris Bennett, Van Homan, John Heaton, and Ali Whitton riding some french spots in 2003.
Filmed by Berengere Chabanis, Derek Adams, Matt Beringer, and Vincent Guedes.
Edited by Ryan Navazio.
The Albion Issue 12 Online
The Albion issue #12 is now online. The issue features an interview and photos of Dan Bob put together by Chris Marshall and an interview with Derek Adams conducted by Eric Capone about the recent resurrection of Little Devil.
You can check out the full issue as well as the contents by clicking here.
LDTV: Beringer’s BMX House Tour
The Little Devil web store has been updated with some new re-prints of classic Little Devil shirts available for purchase now. There is also an episode of LDTV featuring a rolling tour of Matt Beringer’s house filmed in 2007 by Derek Adams.
Little Devil Shirts Now Available
The Little Devil web store has been re-opened and re-prints of some of the classic Little Devil shirts and stickers are ready to order. To celebrate the grand re-opening of the Little Devil web store, Derek Adams uploaded the Vancouver Vacation bonus section from the Little Devil collectors edition DVD.
10 Questions With Derek Adams
Keith Mulligan conducted a ten question interview with Derek Adams for the Ride BMX websites “Friday Interview” segment. Derek answered questions about the end of Orchid Footwear and also spoke about the long awaited return of Little Devil. The interview also includes some photos of Derek ripping around his backyard, you can read the interview by clicking here.
“Seek & Destroy” 1998 Promo
Last month Derek Adams contacted us about creating a splash page for the Little Devil 1998 promo for “Seek & Destroy” as a way of saying thank you to all the friends and supporters of Little Devil over the years. Make sure you check out the splash page, watch the promo, follow Little Devil Brand on Instagram and remember, evil never dies.