Casey Longshore, Grant Yoobie, and Gremlin drove through Pittsburgh to scoop up Chase Bucci en route to Philadelphia for a recent Daily Grind trip to Philadelphia to link with Jeff Purdy and friends (Scott Steele, Rainer Etsweiler, Angus Tuttle, Dan Conway, & Sam Downs). The Daily Grind crew always delivers a barrage of heavy grind combos and variations, and their Philadelphia trip video lives up to those expectations. You can also catch the SD version after the jump.
Read More “Daily Grind In Philadelphia”Tag: Gremlin
Chase Bucci – Welcome To Daily Grind
Ride PA BMX is proud to present Chase Bucci‘s “Welcome To Daily Grind” video. Chase has been riding with the Daily Grind crew for some time now, and if you’re familiar with his riding, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Chase has officially joined the team. If you’re not familiar with Chases’ riding, his “Welcome to Daily Grind” video is a perfect introduction to his style of heavy street riding and grinding wizardry. Don’t forget to follow Chase and the Daily Grind on Instagram for more. Congratulations to Chase on the well-deserved bump!
Filmers: Brad Gibbs, Mike Vitatoe, Tyler Cramer, Gremlin
Editor: Mike Vitatoe
Chase Bucci Web Video 2019
For the last year, Chase Bucci has been spending time between Pittsburgh, PA, and Huntington, WV filming up and down the East Coast with friends and stacking footage. Today we are proud to present this exclusive web video composed of a year’s worth of riding from Chase that was filmed and edited by Brandon Kline with additional filming by Gremlin, Tony Cherry, Zach Bearly, Brad Gibbs, Tyler Cranmer, and Chris Huckaby. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel and subscribe for more videos.
The Daily Grind In Atlanta
The Daily Grind has released a new video from a three-day trip the crew took in January to Atlanta, Georgia. The video, which is nearly seven and a half minutes long, includes riding from Jon ‘Gremlin’ Bechtold, Dan Conway, Tony Cherry, Trent Lutzke, Noah Huntzinger, Mark Bennett, Rainer Etsweiler, Brandon Kline, Jeff Purdy, Chase Bucci, Mike Vitatoe, and Grant Uebberoth. The Daily Grind crew never disappoints; click play and check it out!
Daily Grind: Rerouting (Full Video)
The Daily Grind has released their latest full-length video, ‘Rerouting’ online earlier today. The video, which was released last year and filmed over a two year period, includes riding from Trent Lutzke, Mike Vitatoe, Grant Ueberroth, Eric Mesta, Troy Merkle, Tony Cherry, Scott Steele, John (Gremlin) Bechtold, Dan Conway, and Jeff Purdy.
All the sections from the video have previously been released online, but if you have not seen the video from start to finish, this should be a real treat. Click play and enjoy!
The Daily Grind Crew In Richmond Virgina
The Daily Grind has released an eleven-minute video online documenting their recent trip to Richmond, Virginia. The trip included the Daily Grind crew along with some of their friends, locals, and even a few members of the FBM crew. The trip looked like one hell of a good time, and the video is packed with solid riding from everyone involved. There’s even a session on the infamous Power’s Bike Shop ramps. You’re not going to want to miss this one.
Filmed and edited: Tony Cherry
Additional filming: Gremlin / Dan Conway
Daily Grind – Rerouting

Photo: Brendan Mulrooney
Ride BMX has released an in-depth featured article on their website focused on the Daily Grind. The feature titled ‘Rerouting’ comes along with the announcement of the DG’s upcoming third DVD release of the same name. The article includes an introduction to the DG crew accompanied by photography shot during filming for the DVD by Gremlin, Troy Merkle, Brendan Mulrooney, Noah Huntzinger, and Devon Denham. The article also includes a written history of the evolution of the DG from a simple blog spot to a full-blown brand. Check out the entire feature on the Ride BMX website by clicking here.