This weeks “Photo Of The Week” is a black and white shot of Brian Matlack carving over a light and out of the top of a swimming pool. There is an additional photo from Instagram posted after the jump. All photos by Sean Rosner.
Tag: Instagram Monthly
Jim Borio Double To Over Hard 180
Posted is a photo of Jim Borio doing a double to over hard 180 taken by Sean Rosner. Don’t forget to follow Jim and Sean on Instagram at @jimborio44 and @mistaken_identity.
Randy Brown Wallride At FDR
Posted is a new photo of Randy Brown doing a ruben wallride at FDR skatepark as seen on the S&M Bikes website. Don’t forget to follow S&M @sandmbmx and Randy @randybrown85 on Instagram for more photos.
Chocolate Truck Weekend
The Chocolate Truck crew have been hard at work finishing up filming for their long awaited DVD and with the warm weather this weekend in the Philadelphia area our Instagram feed was full of photos from the CT crew going to work at the infamous Dustbowls. You can check out the rest of the photos after the jump including Brendon Reith, Joby, Joe Niranonta, and Nick Barrett.
“Seek & Destroy” 1998 Promo
Last month Derek Adams contacted us about creating a splash page for the Little Devil 1998 promo for “Seek & Destroy” as a way of saying thank you to all the friends and supporters of Little Devil over the years. Make sure you check out the splash page, watch the promo, follow Little Devil Brand on Instagram and remember, evil never dies.
City Hall Remains

Paul Horan posted this photo on Instagram a few hours ago of the remains of City Hall, rest in peace.