On Friday, October 13th, 2017 the locals (@nobikesinthelivingroom) that maintain the O’Hara Trails in Springfield, Pennsylvania hosted a ‘Friday the 13th’ jam to celebrate the most unlucky day of the year with an open invitation to ride the legendary trails. For the locals, the majority of the trail riding season was spent combating weather damage from the winter, several harsh rainfalls including the fallout from Tropical Storm Cindy, and building new lines. After all that hard work, the jam was a perfect opportunity for the locals to enjoy the fruits of their labor with the trail riding community. The combination of the fall weather mixed with smooth running lines kept the jam and the good times going well into the night.
Ride PA BMX contributing photographer Kyle Dipilla was on hand during the event to shoot some photos on our behalf. You can check out the full gallery of photos in hi-res, after the jump. Don’t forget to follow @nobikesinthelivingroom for more from the O’Hara Trails and @dipillaphotography for more photography from Kyle.
*All photography and captions provided by Kyle Dipilla.
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