First impressions, these shoes look almost ideal. Mid profile, cup sole, not too bulky. I’m never a fan of the white bottoms but I’d rather pick up a solid pair of cup-sole shoes than some boushey shit shoes that just look good standing still. There is a little commercial with the Crockett man himself, saying once they gave him the go ahead on a signature shoe he had all the lines already picked out. Dude shreds (see link).

Once they’re on your feet you’ll feel how slim the toe is. When you’re standing on the pedals you’ll feel your pinky toe getting smashed. I had my feet actually start bleeding when I had an all-day session.
On the brighter side, I haven’t had any heal bruises with these shoes at all. The hybrid waffle / cup sole they came up with is really nice.

The only other thing I disliked about these shoes was the thinness of the upper. Maybe it was the fabric? I did a few things and felt the protection of the mid sole yet the pressure of landing against the cranks still caused some pain.
“So nice I bought ’em twice”
My original pair still have some life in ’em but I had to impulse buy when I saw the same exact pair on sale.

I strictly keep these shoes for riding as much as possible to preserve their life. The tight toe can be a little snug for some people. My sessions are rarely all-day on average. My feet can tolerate a few hours and then they’ll get sore and that’s usually when I’m trying to wind down the session.
Durability: 10/10
Heel Cushion: 9/10
Fit: 8/10 (points off for being too snug on the outside toe)
Price: $60-$80
Conclusion: Great shoe that now comes in all black and a few other colors. So if you want a really good mid shoe for bmx this is really the ticket until I find something better. So nice I bought ’em twice. Got any suggestions? Let me know.
Thanks for reading.